Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Places to Save Money in NYC

When I first moved to the city I was dumbstruck by the price of produce. A single lemon cost a dollar! Eight dollars for eggs! Eight dollars at D'Agostino's no less ,which to me is a really low end grocery store with rude workers. I was and still am blown away by these prices. I found the only reasonable solution was to shop at the Trader Joe's in Union Square. If you've been in TJ's you know that the line is insane, and literally out the door. Go on a Saturday night. Or suck it up and get up and go right when the store opens. It is worth your while. You will probably save thirty percent or more on what you would have paid at a regular grocery store in the city

Another way to save is to go to Duane Reade and actually use their points card. You get two points for every dollar, and once you reach a hundred you get a five dollar coupon. That's five extra dollars probably every month for someone. Which is sixty dollars a year or more. Take that five bucks and put it towards the expensive shampoo or conditioner you feel guilty buying.

My last money saver idea was a brilliant find. When I was back home in California over the summer I went to Walgreens to fill a prescription for my birth control. When I told them I didn't have insurance anymore they asked if I wanted to sign up for Walgreens' insurance. I asked a few questions and then bought their insurance for twenty bucks. When they filled my birth control I saved ten more dollars on it, on their insurance, than I was with Blue Cross. How is that possible??? Since August I've saved over a hundred dollars. It is such a deal. You can even have their insurance if you have insurance, and your insurance doesn't cover very much on your prescriptions. Look into it. It's a must.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bad Breath from the Core

One of my girlfriends called me yesterday to tell me about the rancid death breath of a very cute guy (who actually had a car!) she had recently started dating. "Why JR??? Whhhhhyyyy?" she moaned to me on the phone.

We had a good laugh about the stench and then I got down to business. I asked if she'd noted if he had the obvious signs of good oral hygiene and she thought I only meant teeth brushing. I gave her some bathroom snooping pointers.

How to tell if you are dating someone with good oral hygiene?
When alone in his bathroom take a peak in his drawers. Is floss easily located? Does he have a back up tooth brush? Does he still have his retainers from high school? A night guard? Does he look like he uses them? And while you're in there look at his prescription bottles for good measure. If you see acyclovir or valtrex call me up and we will have another earthy chat. Anyway, back to the halitosis of the moment. If lover boy is brushing and flossing, his problem is probably coming from within. We must move on to the other possible odor sources:
His Diet.

Fish Breath
If his breath is fishy and his tongue is kind of cold and soft in your mouth when he lovingly kisses you....two minute break for dry heaving.... then your boy may be eating too much dairy or even sushi. Yes, I know everyone thinks sushi is sooo healthy. I'm not saying it is bad for you but all of that cold, uncooked fish kind of reminds you of his breath, right? Also, he might be a raw juicer which is fine in moderation, but after awhile may put out the heat needed in the stomach to properly digest food.

Trash Breath
This is the other option that I have experienced. His breath is just gross and you can't quite put your finger or taste bud on it(ew). Does he eat a lot of spicy food? Does he just have a poor diet? Or is he a mouth breather? I don't do the mouth breathers. When you wake up in the morning next to them there is saliva scum in the corners of their mouths. Plus, it gives them the worst morning breath, essentially poop breath.
Another source might be his tonsils. He could have old pockets of pus from tonsillitis or strep throat.

What are his options?
a. change his diet
b. brush/floss more often
c. chew mint leaves-most mouth washes aren't good for you anyway
d. gargle salt water in case of tonsil infection
e. see an alternative medical doctor to address his health
f. sineaid for his stuff nose
g. if the sineaid doesn't work send him out for a septoplasty

The Truth
Now the tricky part. How to tell him he stinks. This is really challenging. It's like telling someone they're fat. Decide if you really want to be with him. If you do, be gentle. Invite him over for dinner. Open a bottle of white wine. I feel like white, not red, might leave his breath less potent. Pour two glasses. Once you are on your second glass get cuddley with him. After first kissing say something like "baby, your breath smells a little funny". Don't tell him it's gross or get too detailed about how bad it is. That would just be humiliating. He may take note of this and make more effort later. Maybe two days later if it still smells bring it up again. Make it seem like it isn't all the time and express your over all desire for him, and that you want to go with him to the health food store/herbalist/dentist/dr.90210 or wherever he decides to go.

Hope this helped!


Last weekend I went to the Whitney and saw the Georgia O'Keefe exhibit and had über expensive decadent $8 hot chocolate at Maison du Chocolat. What did you do?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2010 and full of Promise

My New Years resolution for myself is to dive into the 2010 designer sample sales, and start a blog. My resolution to my boyfriend is to conquer the gym three times a week. Our resolution as a couple is to explore the West side of Manhattan. As a California girl, still new to Manhattan, I have noted a few things:

1. Manhattan is a very transient city. People are always moving in and out of neighborhoods, boroughs and the state. Girlfriends are hard to find, but a treasure when found.
2. When people move to Manhattan they get bogged down by work and booze. People miss out on the culture of the city. They end up stressed, tired and with the sniffles.
3. It isn't hard to find a New Yorker, but it is hard to find one who has really experienced all there is to do in this town.

My blog is for the women out there who have always wanted to move to New York. It is for the women who now live here and feel like they spend their weekends recovering from hangovers or stuck shopping on Broadway. My blog is for the tourist who wants a unique experience. As an alternative health care provider, my blog is also for the women who have questions about their health that need an honest no judgement, I respect that, answer.


* this week I have gone to the gym, worked, and seen the Kandinsky exhibit at the Guggenheim