Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Best Nutrition Advice I've read this Year

How sick are you of people on Weight Watchers? " That has three points I can't eat it." Or the girl who says " eww that has too much cholesterol or too much fat." Annoying. I feel like people are often so clueless about basic nutrition and they hang onto the latest Oprah buzz word.

This article regarding certain truths about cereal should be read by everyone...


I found this to be the meat of the article:
No Cholesterol": NO cereals contain cholesterol because cholesterol is only found in food products of animal origin. There is no cholesterol in plant-based foods.

"Low Fat": Unless the cereal contains some kind of nut or granola, it is very likely to be low in fat. Remember though, a cereal that has no fat can still be loaded with sugar!

"Loaded in Vitamins and Minerals": Almost all cereals are fortified with a vast number of vitamins and minerals, regardless of their fiber content. These vitamins and minerals are all easily obtained through a balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Therefore, it is better to differentiate cereals based on their fiber, whole grain and added sugar content rather than their vitamin/mineral content. Otherwise, you will probably end up with the likes of a fortified cookie or candy bar!

Interesting, right?


1 comment:

  1. I learned years ago to not eat cereal with more than 6g of sugar. That left me with a lot of Kashi cereals and LUCKILY, Honey Bunches of Oats WITH Almonds ("with almonds" is so much better than the other HBofO cereal varieties, in my opinion). But really, at age 26 should we be eating Apple Jacks? which by he way has 12 g of sugar. AYE DIOS MIO!
